
Flat Stanley

I have a visitor this weekend. Flat Stanley came all the way from Texas to spend a week with me. To show him a good time, I took him walking around on Sunday afternoon. We got to see frozen lakes, a street band, bicyclists and tons of folks enjoying the nice weather. Then, we went and had blue moon ice cream.

Flat Stanley’s visit to WI is part of a school project for my cousin. I’d’ve much rather had my cousin to visit me, but he didn’t fit in the envelope. Still, it was fun to compose interesting photos that had Stanley in them to prove that he’s been here. I took around 200 trying to get the perfect set to show off the town.

The thin light didn’t help a whole lot, but at least it was somewhat sunny. I prefer shooting natural light, and Stanley’s laminated exterior didn’t allow for the use of flash.

This picture above was taken with no flash, next to the windows but after the sun had started to sink. I took the picture into photoshop and upped the contrast and tweaked the saturation. I really like how the ice cream looks so blue and just starting to melt.

1 comment:

  1. I'd've is not a word.

    Just letting you know.

    And now I really want Blue Moon Ice Cream...thanks...
